Saturday, October 8, 2011

Why do 'We (love) Katamari"?

Hey guys! 

Looks like I'm up and running, I'd say. Adding some personal flair to my drab blog. I'm really excited about this, though well, I guess there's no way to really transition from intro to full out posting, so I guess I'm just diving right in! It seems I explore a new frontier almost everyday, so here it goes!

Yesterday, I got the game 'We [insert heart here] Katamari" and I only have one this to say; the people who made that game were on CRACK!!!! I swear! Just LOOK at this! 

 What. The. Hell.

And then the rest of the game is you rolling paperclips and whatever random things you happen to come across into a freaking big ball until you're dad, the King just chucks it into the sky! "Oh look! We've made a star!" It's called littering, doofus! You're the one that blew up all the stars in the first place >:C But see, the funny thing is that the games gives almost no explanation to why the King blew up all the stars, so basically it's like the game creators were sitting in a room like:

guy 1: "OMG (yus, omg XD)! I have this great idea! Why don't we create this character than rolls around this sticky balled called a Katamari picking up whatever stuff it touches!"
guy 2: "But... why?" 
guy 1:"So then he can make a star!" 
guy 2: "But there's already stars...."
guy 1: "Well... maybe the king just kinda... blew them up..."
guy 2: "... OKAY! :D"

yep. And then at the beginning the characters are all like, "Oh, so the Katamari Damacy must have been so cool! No wonder so many people liked it!" Way to go guys, way to go. 

Anyway, I think I'm just about done here, might have to go role up the world XD Because that game, for some reason, is addictive. ((it might just be the music!! listen to this, I DARE YOU!: Katamari on the Rocks (okay, the beginning is the best))

Okay guys! Alyssa out! ;)

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