Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Got 'Sucker Punch'ed

Oooh... two posts in one day... Why did I do that?! I'm not quite sure about blogging etiquette yet, but I'm pretty sure that's pretty lame. 

Anyway, Sucker Punch was an AWESOME movie. Definitely pretty kick ass (ha ha ha movie reference XD). And well, I'm not sure but it seemed kind of geared towards guys... I mean, hot girls in skimpy clothing kicking butt? I think so. 

But personally, I didn't mind. It was still a pretty awesome story line, and the action scenes were wicked. Yeah, sucker punch in a sentence: Alice in wonderland with guns and prostitutes. Pretty much!

Oh and hey, check this out. Almost everything I get into, I ALWAYS have to look up cosplay that goes with it... so here, most WICKED AWESOME sucker punch cosplays in ALL existance:

 Fav it HERE!! :D <- Nanjokoji's DA

The setting is freaking amazing!! and Rocket is totally PERFECT. Gee, they've even got big guns ha ha ha XD (((blown away))

see, funny thing is is that i KNEW after seeing this movie, I'd want to cosplay babydoll... look what I've gotten myself into! Yep, gotta love cosplaying XD And cosplayers for that matter!

Alright, that's it for now! (And hopefully for today) Later!

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