Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Harry Potter Day!

Every once and a while, there are days that I actually like going to school. This was one of them. I got to dress up like a student from Hogwarts, I mean, how awesome is that? And even better, OTHER people were dressed up as well. Because, don't put it past me to dress up on any random day just for the hell of it! Because I probably would XD Anyway! This is a pic of my friend and I in our Hogwarts outfits:

 Funny thing is that I only had a green tie (It's actually my Maka tie) but I am truely a ravenclaw. Either way, there's some Slytherin elitism for ya (right in the middle of the orchestra room). And I did bring a stuffed animal cat, because, well, I felt like having a cat XD

Oh! And it was pretty fantastic because we were taking out PSAT test today, and we're all like 'We're taking our OWLS!" Oh world of harry potter, you make our lives so much better.

Anyway, I guess that's all for today. But also, I spontaneously decided I'm going to the homecoming dance, so I searched through my closet to find dresses, and settled with some shiny blue one. I really would have liked to have made one, because that would have been awesome. Because... I don't really like this dress....

Okay! That's really it now. Oh, and ps, I made another blog called Lace, Steam, and Anarchy and it's going to be my fashion blog, so I'm looking forward to posting a bunch of awesome stuff I find on the internet on that page. It's currently blank, but if you want to visit it, it's at thanks!

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