Friday, October 7, 2011

Welcome to My Head

Hello Cyberspace! 

With this post, I have finally joined the ranks of millions of other bloggers across the face of the earth, and I cannot wait to fill these pages with my words! But well, you may ask the question: "What is this blog even about?" And I could answer: "Whatever happens to interest me at the time!" I am a very dynamic person, with curiosity in way too many areas than is safe for my advancement in any one direction... May it be anime, sewing, fashion, music, society (my God sworn enemy), writing, school, movies or even my oddly shaped nose. Nevertheless, I'm getting myself out there because at least one day I'll be able to look back and laugh myself out of my chair at my own teenage idiocy. *Sigh* Oh my.

So alas, I thank you for your visit and I hope that perhaps you'll stop by again, for losing ones mind is an interesting occasion :) 

((now off to make this page look pretty :) if that's even possible XD))

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