Monday, October 10, 2011

That Movie was Definitely 'Insidious'

I didn't think I liked horror movies, but I thought Insidious was actually a really good movie. But ha ha ha this blog is turning into a movie/game review blog. I am going to have to find more to talk about!

But back to horror movies, some parts of Insidious were just plain INTENSE!!! I was scared XD See, with me, I watch horror movies with friends and I'm like 'AH!' *hides against friend's shoulder*. I'm glad they never mind.

I'm so glad I actually made it through the movie, but of course I couldn't help but spend the rest of the day wandering around the house, wondering when something was going to move, or some demon was going to pop out and try to take over my body, or whatever. But of course that wasn't NEARLY as bad as when I finally went to sleep, because the whole thing with Insidious was that [spoiler alert? i guess?] when the boy went to sleep his mind got lost while he dreamed, and I'm like 'NOO!! I don't want to go to The Further!!!" Cause there's something waiting for me....

  CREEPY DEMON THING!! ((that has an uncanny resemblence to darth maul)) I couldn't help myself from picturing this FACE everywhere!! Especially in the corner of my room. EFFIN SCARY! Yeah, I don't do too well with horror movies...

I thought maybe this movie would at least have a happy ending, but not quite... there was only one. little. mistake. And it will kill. them. all...

 SURPRISE!!!! This old lady was SCARY. The end, man. Totally creepy. You want to say hello? Yeah, I don't either.

Anyway, I haven't seen many other horror movies, but I thought this one was pretty good. It was definitely interesting, but not horribly scary... 

Yep! Later ;)

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