Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Harry Potter Day!

Every once and a while, there are days that I actually like going to school. This was one of them. I got to dress up like a student from Hogwarts, I mean, how awesome is that? And even better, OTHER people were dressed up as well. Because, don't put it past me to dress up on any random day just for the hell of it! Because I probably would XD Anyway! This is a pic of my friend and I in our Hogwarts outfits:

 Funny thing is that I only had a green tie (It's actually my Maka tie) but I am truely a ravenclaw. Either way, there's some Slytherin elitism for ya (right in the middle of the orchestra room). And I did bring a stuffed animal cat, because, well, I felt like having a cat XD

Oh! And it was pretty fantastic because we were taking out PSAT test today, and we're all like 'We're taking our OWLS!" Oh world of harry potter, you make our lives so much better.

Anyway, I guess that's all for today. But also, I spontaneously decided I'm going to the homecoming dance, so I searched through my closet to find dresses, and settled with some shiny blue one. I really would have liked to have made one, because that would have been awesome. Because... I don't really like this dress....

Okay! That's really it now. Oh, and ps, I made another blog called Lace, Steam, and Anarchy and it's going to be my fashion blog, so I'm looking forward to posting a bunch of awesome stuff I find on the internet on that page. It's currently blank, but if you want to visit it, it's at thanks!

Monday, October 10, 2011

That Movie was Definitely 'Insidious'

I didn't think I liked horror movies, but I thought Insidious was actually a really good movie. But ha ha ha this blog is turning into a movie/game review blog. I am going to have to find more to talk about!

But back to horror movies, some parts of Insidious were just plain INTENSE!!! I was scared XD See, with me, I watch horror movies with friends and I'm like 'AH!' *hides against friend's shoulder*. I'm glad they never mind.

I'm so glad I actually made it through the movie, but of course I couldn't help but spend the rest of the day wandering around the house, wondering when something was going to move, or some demon was going to pop out and try to take over my body, or whatever. But of course that wasn't NEARLY as bad as when I finally went to sleep, because the whole thing with Insidious was that [spoiler alert? i guess?] when the boy went to sleep his mind got lost while he dreamed, and I'm like 'NOO!! I don't want to go to The Further!!!" Cause there's something waiting for me....

  CREEPY DEMON THING!! ((that has an uncanny resemblence to darth maul)) I couldn't help myself from picturing this FACE everywhere!! Especially in the corner of my room. EFFIN SCARY! Yeah, I don't do too well with horror movies...

I thought maybe this movie would at least have a happy ending, but not quite... there was only one. little. mistake. And it will kill. them. all...

 SURPRISE!!!! This old lady was SCARY. The end, man. Totally creepy. You want to say hello? Yeah, I don't either.

Anyway, I haven't seen many other horror movies, but I thought this one was pretty good. It was definitely interesting, but not horribly scary... 

Yep! Later ;)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Got 'Sucker Punch'ed

Oooh... two posts in one day... Why did I do that?! I'm not quite sure about blogging etiquette yet, but I'm pretty sure that's pretty lame. 

Anyway, Sucker Punch was an AWESOME movie. Definitely pretty kick ass (ha ha ha movie reference XD). And well, I'm not sure but it seemed kind of geared towards guys... I mean, hot girls in skimpy clothing kicking butt? I think so. 

But personally, I didn't mind. It was still a pretty awesome story line, and the action scenes were wicked. Yeah, sucker punch in a sentence: Alice in wonderland with guns and prostitutes. Pretty much!

Oh and hey, check this out. Almost everything I get into, I ALWAYS have to look up cosplay that goes with it... so here, most WICKED AWESOME sucker punch cosplays in ALL existance:

 Fav it HERE!! :D <- Nanjokoji's DA

The setting is freaking amazing!! and Rocket is totally PERFECT. Gee, they've even got big guns ha ha ha XD (((blown away))

see, funny thing is is that i KNEW after seeing this movie, I'd want to cosplay babydoll... look what I've gotten myself into! Yep, gotta love cosplaying XD And cosplayers for that matter!

Alright, that's it for now! (And hopefully for today) Later!

Why do 'We (love) Katamari"?

Hey guys! 

Looks like I'm up and running, I'd say. Adding some personal flair to my drab blog. I'm really excited about this, though well, I guess there's no way to really transition from intro to full out posting, so I guess I'm just diving right in! It seems I explore a new frontier almost everyday, so here it goes!

Yesterday, I got the game 'We [insert heart here] Katamari" and I only have one this to say; the people who made that game were on CRACK!!!! I swear! Just LOOK at this! 

 What. The. Hell.

And then the rest of the game is you rolling paperclips and whatever random things you happen to come across into a freaking big ball until you're dad, the King just chucks it into the sky! "Oh look! We've made a star!" It's called littering, doofus! You're the one that blew up all the stars in the first place >:C But see, the funny thing is that the games gives almost no explanation to why the King blew up all the stars, so basically it's like the game creators were sitting in a room like:

guy 1: "OMG (yus, omg XD)! I have this great idea! Why don't we create this character than rolls around this sticky balled called a Katamari picking up whatever stuff it touches!"
guy 2: "But... why?" 
guy 1:"So then he can make a star!" 
guy 2: "But there's already stars...."
guy 1: "Well... maybe the king just kinda... blew them up..."
guy 2: "... OKAY! :D"

yep. And then at the beginning the characters are all like, "Oh, so the Katamari Damacy must have been so cool! No wonder so many people liked it!" Way to go guys, way to go. 

Anyway, I think I'm just about done here, might have to go role up the world XD Because that game, for some reason, is addictive. ((it might just be the music!! listen to this, I DARE YOU!: Katamari on the Rocks (okay, the beginning is the best))

Okay guys! Alyssa out! ;)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Welcome to My Head

Hello Cyberspace! 

With this post, I have finally joined the ranks of millions of other bloggers across the face of the earth, and I cannot wait to fill these pages with my words! But well, you may ask the question: "What is this blog even about?" And I could answer: "Whatever happens to interest me at the time!" I am a very dynamic person, with curiosity in way too many areas than is safe for my advancement in any one direction... May it be anime, sewing, fashion, music, society (my God sworn enemy), writing, school, movies or even my oddly shaped nose. Nevertheless, I'm getting myself out there because at least one day I'll be able to look back and laugh myself out of my chair at my own teenage idiocy. *Sigh* Oh my.

So alas, I thank you for your visit and I hope that perhaps you'll stop by again, for losing ones mind is an interesting occasion :) 

((now off to make this page look pretty :) if that's even possible XD))